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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

One of the Hospital Photos

Finally Home :)

After five long nights in the hospital, Israela finally came home yesterday!  And this is the first day I have had a chance to update everything that has happened.  I'm not going to go into all the details of labor and birth.  I'm sure most people do not have a desire to hear about it.  However, I will give a run down of the last several days.
Wednesday night, Umaru and I went into the hospital, where the beginning of the induction process started.  I was hooked up to monitors all night to keep track of Izzy's heartbeat, making for uncomfortable sleep.  Thursday morning, they finished inducing me and continued to monitor everything.  From that point on, we just had to wait for me to finish dilating.  Around noon that day, I did receive an epidural for the contraction pain, as well as the pain for not being able to move from the position I was in (I couldn't disturb the monitors).  Still, it wasn't until about 3 AM Friday morning that I was fully dilated.  After some tough pushing and amazing doctors, Israela Lynn Balde was born at 3:43 AM on January 17, 2014.  She was (and is) incredibly beautiful!  Her hair is absolutely gorgeous, and she has big, dark eyes like her daddy.  Izzy was 8 pounds and 10 ounces and 21 3/4 inches long.  So she wasn't as big as the doctors had been predicting :)  What she is, is perfect and joyful.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Latest News

I had an ultrasound this past Thursday, my final ultrasound.  Israela is becoming a monster baby!  The ultrasound technician estimates that Israela already weighs over 8 1/2 pounds!  Because she is growing so fast, I have been scheduled to be induced for labor this coming Thursday morning.  So if I do not go into labor early this week, we can expect to meet our little angel this coming Friday or so!  We are both so excited to meet her and hold her.  I will post more information as it happens :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Welcome to our blog :)  Here we will be posting updates for our soon-to-be baby girl, Israela.  I decided to create this blog for a couple reasons.  It's a way to document everything that is going on with her birth and after.  Plus, I don't like sharing tons of details on social media, so friends and family can find updates and news here!